Cervical degenerative disc disease - symptoms, sensations

Another name for this disease is degenerative and destructive lesions of the spine that affects the vertebral body, articular and ligamentous apparatus, the intervertebral discs. Equally often, diagnosed in men and women, as a rule, develops after the age of 30. According to statistics this disease affects 50 to 80% of the population.

cervical osteochondrosis

Classification of symptoms in cervical osteochondrosis

The development of this disease sometimes occurs as early as 30-35 years old, so occur the symptoms may even in adolescence. Signs of cervical degenerative disc disease discussed in detail below, the disease has become a real problem in the modern world. Sedentary work, long stay in front of the computer adversely affect the health, well-being. All the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease is associated with failures in several systems:

  1. In severe cases there are signs of compression, the integrity of the spinal cord located in the spinal canal.
  2. The pathological process can affect the peripheral nervous system. The negative impact of the exposed spinal cord, located near the centers of deformation of bone and cartilage.
  3. In some cases there is entrapment of the vertebral arteries. These blood vessels bring cells of the brain nutrients, oxygen. Violation of these processes leads to a sharp deterioration of health of the person.



It is known that one of the first symptoms of disease – pain in the cervical spine. At first, she quickly passes is of a periodic character, but then becomes chronic. The primary sites of localization of pain are:

  • occipital muscles (increases when turning the neck, head tilts);
  • shoulder area;
  • neck.

Ache in different ways depending on the location of the lesion, discomfort can be sharp, shooting, periodically, to subside, to worn aching and permanent. Subsequently, the movement of the head difficult, which is associated with muscle tension in the neck. If there is a pinched artery, sometimes observed cervical migraine (with the weakening of blood supply, lack of oxygen a headache).


In some cases there is compression of the vessels of the circulatory system, which provide oxygen, nutrients to the human brain, the inner ear. Because of this, there nausea osteochondrosis. This is accompanied by symptoms, usually loss of appetite, causing weight deficit of the right nutrients. In the later stages of the disease can provoke vomiting when turning your head, walking or bending. This is due to a reduction of blood supply to the middle ear, where the center of balance.

Neurological symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis


Some manifestations of the disease are not immediately can be attributed to characteristic features. You should know the symptoms when cervical osteochondrosis cannot be ignored, for example, the lack of air. The defeat of that division may develop the syndrome of irritation of the phrenic nerve. The patient is having trouble breathing, feel the lack of oxygen, which causes shortness of breath and even strong heat.

The manifestation of the pathology is often accompanied by snoring, it is enhanced if you take an uncomfortable position during sleep. This leads to the fact that the person is not resting in the night waking up with a feeling of General malaise, weakness, feeling tired and overwhelmed. This condition if untreated may lead to deterioration of memory, reduced concentration and irreversible changes of brain tissue.

Vestibular signs

Another direction, as manifested osteochondrosis of the cervical – vestibular signs. Supplies the brain with all essential nutrients occurs through the vertebral artery. If it is cervical osteochondrosis, which disrupted the inner ear, the patient feels the noise and ringing in the ears. In certain instances, to these symptoms is added a disturbance or hearing loss.

Lump in my throat

In some cases, the disease manifests itself in only one symptom is hard to swallow. A feeling that formed a lump in the throat when osteochondrosis of the cervical, felt sore, itching, dryness, difficulty swallowing. These symptoms are associated with conduction disturbances of the neuro-vascular trunks coming from the spinal cord. Lump in the throat is not a specific symptom of osteoarthritis, it could indicate a tumor or an inflammatory process. The appearance of this symptom should see a doctor.

Visual signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical

Symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine can be different but most often include disturbances in visual acuity. Supply visual analyzers is through the carotid and vertebral arteries. If the reduction of blood circulation occurs due to the compression of the latter, begins the loss of vision that does not improve with spectacles. Cervical degenerative disc disease – symptoms:

  • low blood pressure;
  • floating, flash point;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries in the brain;
  • violation focus on the subject;
  • veil, a mist before his eyes.

The characteristic feature of that decline in vision is due to entrapment of the vertebral blood vessel, circulatory disorders, will be the lack of improvement when wearing glasses, performing special exercises. To change the situation will help only the timely treatment of the underlying disease (before the appearance of irreversible lesions of the tissues).

Arterial signs

The spine plays an important role in the human body, so any disease affecting the system. There are specific blood symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, which indicate the disease. These include sudden loss of consciousness. This is the most unpleasant, dangerous symptom peculiar to this disease. This happens because circulatory disorders, when brain arteries temporarily stops blood.

Pronounced arterial spasm occurs for the responses of the deformed bone growths on irritation of the nerve endings. If your friend osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and he lost consciousness, it is necessary to stack, lift the leg on a small hill to increase the outflow of blood from the extremities and to increase revenues to the brain. After that, people usually get over it quickly.

Instability of blood pressure is another symptom of the disease from this group. Doctors can diagnose discontinuity indicators, if disturbed blood supply. This is not a specific symptom of osteoarthritis, but fits into the overall picture of the disease. Blood pressure can dramatically decrease or increase. The person feels degradation, so it is necessary to ensure peace.


It was previously described that in this disease there is sometimes a loss of consciousness. This applies to cases when the blood flow to the brain was very difficult. Most often, patients experience vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis. This is a common symptom that accompanies all patients with the disease. This phenomenon has a spontaneous manifestation. The cause of this condition becomes reducing the amount of oxygen delivered to the inner ear. It is located in the human brain responsible for the sense of balance. Dizziness occurs when:

  • the rotation of the head and neck;
  • if you abruptly get out of bed.

Temperature osteochondrosis


In some cases, the pathological processes are distributed to structures of the cervical segment of the spinal cord. This happens when you increase the disk, stenosis of the canal. The temperature for low back pain – the body's response to these pathologies. The same reaction is possible with the vertebral artery syndrome. This is a common practice in osteochondrosis in the last stages of the disease. The temperature increase refers to the nonspecific symptoms of the disease.

This symptom will not necessarily be present, thermoregulation of the body may be normal. If you are experiencing persistent pain in the neck, shoulders, neck, and turning or tilting the head, there is an exacerbation should be referred to a specialist, undergo a medical examination. The lack of treatment will cause the condition gets worse, the level of comfort of living will decline.